NOVEMBER 24, 2008
Chairman Russo opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. Selectmen Joseph Story and Jennifer Wright were present.
The first order of business was interviewing candidates for the Conservation Commission vacancy. Tom Girard, 34 Rolfe’s Lane (new candidate); Robert Noonan, 248 High Road; Dan Streeter, 3 Boston Road; and Ross Wescott, Newburyport were all queried by the Selectmen on their backgrounds and why they were interested in this position. At the conclusion of the interview period, the candidates strengths and weaknesses were briefly discussed and a vote taken. Selectman Wright moved to appoint Dan Streeter to the CC position, seconded by Chairman Russo. Selectman Story moved to appoint Ross Wescott to the CC position, seconded by Selectman Wright. With a vote of two to one Dan Streeter was confirmed as the new appointee to the Conservation
Finance Director Chuck Kostro presented a “snow removal operations” letter to the Board for their review and permission to have it included with the third quarter tax bills. Selectman Wright moved to permit a letter from the Director of the Highway Department relative to snow and ice operations be included in the third quarter tax bills per MGL Chapter 60, section 3A, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously. Kostro had drafted three letters of appreciation for the Selectmen’s signatures to Governor Patrick, Senator Tarr and Representative Stanley to express the Town’s gratitude for their efforts relative to the Parker River Bridge reconstruction project. The letters were reviewed and signed by the Board.
Selectman Wright gave a brief update on the Library’s new “Long Range Planning Committee” and their work towards a five year plan which when approved by the State will make them eligible for state grants. A community survey will be used for feedback from our residents.
Chairman Russo reported on the “Merrimack River Beach Alliance” which will deal with jetty repairs, dredging and placement of sand on the beaches in conjunction with the Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Government for grant monies. This is an inter-municipal commission, he noted. Members of the Alliance are Representatives Stanley and Costello, Senators Tarr and Baddour, Newburyport Mayor John Moak, Salisbury Town Manager Neil Harrington, Newbury Chair BOS Vince Russo, PITA representative Ron Barrett, Sarkady and Connors from the Foundation, Wayne Capolupo of the Salisbury Beach Assoc.
On the recommendation of the Personnel Board, John Lucey was appointed as “employee representative of the Personnel Board for a three year term, as moved by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
Jennifer Brown, Library Director presented a new job description for Jean Ackerly as Assistant Director of the Library for the Selectmen’s review and approval. This new job description has been approved by the Library Board of Trustees, Personnel Board and the Finance Committee. There is funding in the budget for this new position, she noted. Selectman Wright moved to accept the new job description as presented for the position of Assistant Director, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously.
The following persons were appointed to the Plum Island Public Service Facilities Building Committee on a motion by Selectman Wright, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously: Bill Pearson, Dana Davis, Ron Barrett, Tim Leonard and Andy Avelis. Additional members may be added if needed.
Letters of resignation from the Planning Board and Open Space Committee from Martha Taylor were accepted on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously. With the acceptance of these letters, Martha will be appointed as the new Town Planner for a probationary term of one year.
A new employment agreement for Chuck Kostro was reviewed and approved by the Board on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
The minutes of the November 10th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
At 8:45 p.m. it was moved by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously to convene in executive session to discuss threatened litigation. A roll call was taken: Wright, yes; Story, yes; and Russo, yes. Chairman Russo announced that the meeting would not reconvene in open session at the conclusion of the executive session.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.